of Industrial Engineering & Management Research2024-12-23T01:48:55+00:00Distinguished Professor. Dr. Dr. Agus Purwanto. ST. MT.editor@jiemar.orgOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>JIEMAR</strong> ( Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research) <strong><a href="">I</a><a href="">SSN : 2722-8878 </a></strong> is a scientific journal as a tool of knowledge development in Industrial Engineering and management science field. This journal consist of lecturers, researchers and partitions study. Jurnal JIEMAR was published since 2020 </p> <p>Publisher:</p> <p>AGUSPATI RESEARCH INSTITUTA<br>SK Kemenkumham AHU-0054821-AH.01.14 Tahun 2021<br>Akta Pendirian No 332 Tgl 26-8-2021 Notaris NURLISA UKE DESY, SH. Mkn</p> ANALYSIS OF THE POWER SYSTEM AT THE BANTEN 3 LONTAR COAL-FIRED POWER PLANT WITH THE INSTALLATION OF A POWER SYSTEM STABILIZER ON THE 150KV TRANSMISSION SYSTEM OF TELUK NAGA TANGERANG BARU SINDANG JAYA2024-11-20T00:50:02+00:00Muhammad Arief ariefjdsk659@gmail.comSuwandi Suwandisuwandizy2018@gmail.comEko Kustiawan eko.kustiawan@gmail.comJefri Anarkhi Jefri<p>In the operation of the electric power system, there are often short circuit disturbances, both permanent and temporary, the use of the connection can cause deviations in the variable variables of the electric power system, such as voltage, frequency.The load growth on the 150 kV Teluk Naga Tangerang Baru Sindang Jaya (Tangerang) Banten network system is increasing day by day. The cause is the current development of development. The growth of the load increases the possibility that the number of loads will exceed the existing generation capacity in the future. With the growth of the load that continues to increase, the possibility of blackouts increases if at any time there is a problem with one of the plants. Therefore, this is a concern by PLN on plants that are not equipped with equipment to increase transient stability. For this reason, the Banten 3 Lontar PLTU needs a Power System Stabilizer on the generator. Before activating this feature, it is necessary to conduct a transient stability analysis to determine the system's response to the network it is supplied with. Observation of the changes that occur will show how much the Power System Stabilizer has an effect on increasing transient stability. In the final result, it can be seen that the transient stability increases after the use of the Power System Stabilizer</p>2024-11-20T00:48:04+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research COUNSELING FOR PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH SPASTIC CEREBRAL PALSY2024-12-16T02:43:39+00:00Tri Prapto Suwito trigon59@yahoo.comMilisi Sembiring<p>The level of difficulty faced by parents in a family is when there are one or two things that are very difficult for them to face for a long period of time and it is even uncertain how long the problem can be resolved. Parents will find a way with all their abilities and strengths to overcome this, or try to make it easier to overcome it, this is a problem related to the child they love. Sometimes the attitude of parents is all wrong because in addition to having to handle the child, it is also related to their good name and self-esteem, they also have to work hard to get the greatest income possible, the purpose of which is to take care of their child throughout the child's life from childhood to adulthood, this problem concerns the condition of children who have abnormalities or special needs called Spastic Cerebral Palsy, namely awkward reflexes, contractures (muscles or joints that are permanently tense), difficulty crawling and walking, stiff muscles in one or more parts of the body. The author conducted research with a qualitative descriptive approach, and from various sources of health knowledge, books and journals and their relationship to theology related to the problem, so that it will answer this problem and become a basis for Christians to respond correctly according to the teachings of the Word of God.</p>2024-12-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research Role of digital leadership, work enggament and compensation on work performance of SMEs2024-12-18T01:29:19+00:00D<p>The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between digital leadership variables and employee performance, analyze the relationship between compensation variables and employee performance, analyze the relationship between Employee Empowerment variables and employee performance. This research method is quantitative. Population and Sample In this study, the sampling used was purposive sampling. Data Analysis Technique In this study, the data that has been processed and analyzed will be used for the analysis design, in this study the data analysis used smart-PLS software version 3. The respondents of this study were 346 SME managers in Indonesia. The measurement model with reflective and formative indicators was used in the study, where the validity and reliability were tested. In running the PLS algorithm in smart-PLS, an external model estimate was obtained by producing convergent validity values, discriminant validity, AVE, Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability. The research data were obtained by distributing online questionnaires, the questionnaire was designed to contain statement items using a Likert scale of 1 to 7. The collected data will be analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the Partial Least Squares (PLS) methodology. SEM-PLS was chosen because of its ability to handle complex models and smaller sample sizes, making it well suited to the intricacies of this study. The analysis will be conducted in several stages: Measurement Model Assessment: Confirmatory factor analysis will be used to validate the measurement model and ensure the reliability and validity of the latent variables. Structural Model Estimation: The structural relationships between organizational culture, innovative leadership, digital technology adoption, and startup success will be examined using SEM-PLS. Bootstrapping: To increase the robustness of the results, bootstrapping with resampling will be used to assess the significance of the path coefficients and test the overall model fit. The results of this study's analysis are that there is a positive effect of digital leadership on employee performance, there is a positive effect of compensation on employee performance, there is a positive effect of employee empowerment on employee performance</p>2024-12-18T01:26:53+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research ROLE OF GENDER OF UMKM OWNERS IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY, OPEN INNOVATION, AND UMKM INNOVATION PERFORMANCE2024-12-23T01:48:55+00:00Dewi<p>Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Background (UMKM) plays an important role inining environmental sustainability through sustainable business innovation. Gender, as a component that affects organizational dynamics, can also contribute to the changes made by UMKM to support environmentally friendly business practices. However, there is not much research specifically investigating how gender plays a role in driving UMKM innovation to maintain environmental sustainability. This study uses relevant literature to understand how gender factors influence innovative practices and environmental sustainability in UMKM business. By analysing the literature in depth, this study aims to find patterns of the relationship between gender, business innovation, and sustainability of the environment in the context of UMKM. Therefore, this article is expected to provide a more in-depth insight into how UMKM This research uses the type of meta-analysis research, in which research findings from various researchers are combined. Research results can be accessed by some researchers using Google Scholar or Google Scientist searches to find out how much impact the application of research models, methods, or strategies has. With a sample of literature 10 years before 2024.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-23T01:46:45+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research