About the Journal

JIEMAR ( Journal of Industrial  Engineering & Management Research) ISSN : 2722-8878is a scientific journal as a tool of knowledge development in Industrial Engineering and management science field. This journal consist of lecturers, researchers and partitions study. Jurnal JIEMAR was published since 2020  by AGUSPATI RESEARCH INSTITUTA
SK Kemenkumham AHU-0054821-AH.01.14 Tahun 2021
Akta Pendirian No 332 Tgl 26-8-2021 Notaris NURLISA UKE DESY, SH. Mkn.

The aim of  JIEMAR ( Journal of Industrial  Engineering & Management Research) ISSN : 2722-8878 is to publish theoretical and empirical articles that are aimed to contrast and extend existing theories, and build new theories that contribute to advance our understanding of phenomena related with industrial engineering and  management in organizations The contributions can adopt confirmatory (quantitative) or explanatory (mainly qualitative) methodological approaches. Theoretical essays that enhance the building or extension of theoretical approaches are also welcome. 

List Scope Journal JIEMAR:•Industrial engineering and  Management in organizations