The Effect of Work Motivation, Work Environment, Work Discipline on Employee Satisfaction and Public Health Center Performance

  • Suprapti Universitas Stikubank
  • Jannah Puji Astuti Universitas Stikubank
  • Noor Sa'adah Universitas Stikubank
  • Salis Diah Rahmawati Universitas Stikubank
  • Rulyta Yuli Astuti Universitas Stikubank
  • Yuli Sudargini Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Noor Eva Khasanah Puskesmas Winong II Pati
Keywords: Work motivation, environment, discipline, employee satisfaction, performance


The pupose of this study is to analyze the  effect of work motivation on employee satisfaction, effect of work environment on employee satisfaction, effect of work discipline on employee satisfaction effect of work motivation on public health center Performance, effect of work environment on public health center Performance, effect of work discipline on public health center Performance, effect of employee satisfaction on public health center performance. The method used in this research is quantitative method. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to 80  permanent employees of public health center . For questions / statements about the identity of respondents designed in the form of a semi-open questionnaire in addition to a closed questionnaire. Data collection technique is using questionnaire with Likert Scale. Analysis from this study is using SEM (Structural Equation Model) with SmartPLS version 3.0 as a statistic tools.  Based on the results of data analysis through a questionnaire distributed to respondents, found several conclusions as follows There is a significant effect of work motivation on employee satisfaction, there is a significant effect of work environment on employee satisfaction, there is a significant effect of work discipline on employee satisfaction,there is a significant effect of work motivation on public health center Performance, there is a significant effect of work environment on public health center Performance,there is a significant effect of work discipline on public health center Performance,there is a significant effect of employee satisfaction on public health center performance.


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Asbari, M., Nurhayati, W., Purwanto, A., & Putra, F. (2020). Pengaruh Genetic Personality dan Authoritative Parenting Style terhadap Pendidikan Karakter di Aya Sophia Islamic School. Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, 4(1), 142-155.

Purwanto, A., Asbari, M., Santoso, P., Wijayanti, L., Hyun, C., sihite, O., & Saifuddin, M. (2020). Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Partisipatif dan Otokratis Terhadap Kinerja Sistem Jaminan Halal HAS 23000 Pada Industri Makanan Kemasan. Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, 4(1), 156-179.

Asbari, M., Pramono, R., Kotamena, F., Liem, J., sihite, O., Alamsyah, V., Imelda, D., Setiawan, S., & Purwanto, A. (2020). Studi Fenomenologi Work-Family Conflict dalam Kehidupan Guru Honorer Wanita. Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, 4(1), 180-201.

Purwanto, A., Pramono, R., Bernarto, I., Asbari, M., Santoso, P., Saifuddin, M., Hyun, C., Wijayanti, L., Ong, freddy, & kusumaningsih, W. (2020). Minat dan Hambatan Publikasi Artikel pada Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi: Studi Eksploratori pada Mahasiswa Doktoral di Sebuah Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Jakarta. Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, 4(1), 219-228.

Pramono, R., Cornelia, J., Tiffany, T., Sastradi, Y., & Purwanto, A. (2020). Pengaruh Pembelajaran Variasi Menu, Harga, Lokasi dan Promosi pada Intensi Beli di Restoran XYZ Gading Serpong. Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, 4(1), 226-235.

Asbari, M., Pramono, R., Kotamena, F., Sihite, O., Liem, J., Imelda, D., Alamsyah, V., Imelda, D., Setiawan, S., & Purwanto, A. (2020). Bekerja Sambil Kuliah dalam Perspektif Self Management : Studi Etnografi pada karyawan Etnis Jawa di Kota Seribu Industri Tangerang. Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, 4(1), 253-263.

AGUS PURWANTO, Masduki Asbari, Agus Hari Hadi. (2020). Gaya Kepemimpinan Perguruan Tinggi Kesehatan: Authentic, Tansformational, Authoritarian atau Transactional. Surya Medika: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan dan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat. 5(1). 8-18. DOI : 10.32504/sm.v15i1.163

Purwanto, A., Pramono, R., Asbari, M., Hyun, C., Wijayanti, L., Putri, R., & santoso, priyono. (2020). Studi Eksploratif Dampak Pandemi COVID-19 Terhadap Proses Pembelajaran Online di Sekolah Dasar. EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2(1), 1-12. Retrieved from

Senjaya, P., Kotamena, F., Andika, C., & Purwanto, A. (2020). Studi Kasus: Pengaruh Pendidikan Karakter dan Tata Nilai terhadap Kecerdasan Emosi dan Kemandirian Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Serpong. EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2(1), 22-39. Retrieved from

Purwanto, A., Asbari, M., Pramono, R., Senjaya, P., Hadi, A., & Andriyani, Y. (2020). Pengaruh Kepemimpinan terhadap Kinerja Guru Sekolah Dasar dengan Keterlibatan Kerja dan Budaya Organisasi sebagai Mediator. EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2(1), 50-63. Retrieved from

Fayzhall, M., Purwanto, A., Asbari, M., Basuki, S., Mustofa, M., Hutagalung, D., Maesaroh, S., Winanti, W., Gusli Chidir, G., Goestjahjanti, F., & Andriyani, Y. (2020). Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kapabilitas Inovasi Guru dalam Perspektif Organizational Learning. EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2(1), 64-91. Retrieved from

Purwanto, A. (2020). Studi Eksplorasi Dampak Work From Home ( WFH ) Terhadap Kinerja Guru Selama Pandemi Covid-19. EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2(1), 92-100. Retrieved from

Asbari, M., Purwanto, A., Ong, F., Mustikasiwi, A., Maesaroh, S., Mustofa, M., Hutagalung, D., & Andriyani, Y. (2020). Impact of Hard Skills, Soft Skills and Organizational Culture: Lecturer Innovation Competencies as Mediating. EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2(1), 101-121. Retrieved from

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Basuki, S., Asbari, M., Purwanto, A., Agistiawati, E., Fayzhall, M., Radita, F., Maesaroh, S., Mustofa, M., Asnaini, S., Chidir, G., Winanti, W., Yani, A., Singgih, E., Sudiyono, R., Goestjahjanti, F., Yuwono, T., & Hutagalung, D. (2020). Pengaruh Organizational Culture terhadap Teacher Innovation Capability dalam Perspektif Knowledge Sharing: Studi Kasus Jabodetabek. EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2(1), 171-192. Retrieved from

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Waruwu, H., Asbari, M., Purwanto, A., Nugroho, Y., Fikri, M., Fauji, A., Shobihi, A., Hulu, P., Sudiyono, R., Agistiawati, E., & Dewi, W. (2020). The Role of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Learning and Structure on Innovation Capacity: Evidence from Indonesia Private Schools. EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2(1), 378-397. Retrieved from

Fikri, M., Asbari, M., Purwanto, A., Nugroho, Y., Waruwu, H., Fauji, A., Shobihi, A., Singgih, E., Sudiyono, R., Agistiawati, E., & Dewi, W. (2020). A Mediation Role of Organizational of Learning on Relationship of Hard Skills, Soft Skills, Innovation and Performance: Evidence at Islamic School. EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2(1), 398-43. Retrieved from

Suryani, P., Cahyono, Y., & Utami, B. D. (2020). Pengaruh Motivasi Dan Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Produksi di PT Tuntex Garment Indonesia. Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research, 1(1), 70-82.


How to Cite
Suprapti, S., Astuti, J. P., Sa’adah, N., Rahmawati, S. D., Astuti, R. Y., Sudargini, Y., & Khasanah, N. E. (2020). The Effect of Work Motivation, Work Environment, Work Discipline on Employee Satisfaction and Public Health Center Performance . Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research, 1(2), 153-172.

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