Determinants of Tertiary Students’ Intention to Participate in the Agriculture Sector in Visayas, Region 8 Philippines

  • Jose Andres S. David Business Economics Department of the University of Santo Tomas España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines
  • Hoaqui Dencel F. Fortuna Business Economics Department of the University of Santo Tomas España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines
  • Kenneth Anthony B. Sanchez Business Economics Department of the University of Santo Tomas España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines
  • Marie Antoinette L. Rosete Business Economics Department of the University of Santo Tomas España Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines
Keywords: Tertiary Students, Youth, Participation, Labor Force, Agriculture Sector, Age, Students’ Education, Parent’s Education, Migration, Income


The study examines the intention of the tertiary students to participate in the agricultural sector in Visayas, Region 8 Philippines. Data suggests a decreasing trend of labor participation towards the agriculture sector. The objectives of the study is to identify and evaluate the factors that affect the decision of the students to participate or pursue a career in the agriculture sector in Visayas and be able to provide effective recommendations that can help engage the labor force to pursue a career related to the development of the agriculture sector. The study explores and assesses the factors that influence the participation of tertiary students in the agriculture sector. The factors the study seeks to evaluate the significance of parent’s education, both the father and mother’s highest educational attainment, to tertiary students' intention to participate in the agriculture sector. In addition, the study explores the positive effects of students’ education, migration, and income; and the negative relationship of age towards the intention of tertiary students to participate in the agriculture sector. Consequently, the findings of the study delves into the proposing and crafting various strategies and initiatives policymakers may develop, to improve the awareness and increase agriculture literacy among the youth in the tertiary level of education


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How to Cite
David, J. A. S., Hoaqui Dencel F. , H. D. F., Sanchez, K. A. B., & Rosete , M. A. L. (2022). Determinants of Tertiary Students’ Intention to Participate in the Agriculture Sector in Visayas, Region 8 Philippines. Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research, 3(1), 20 - 44.