CV. Sukses Utama Steel is a company engaged in selling products for industrial needs and equipment, especially bolts and nuts. To face today's increasingly fierce and fast business competition, CV. Sukses Utama Steel still faces several obstacles, one of which is in its sales system which still uses a manual system by receiving orders by telephone or direct customers, so that it is less efficient and effective. By building a website-based sales system, it is hoped that it can overcome the problems of the existing sales system. This website-based system was built using the waterfall method as a method of system development and also this system was built using the PHP programming language on the server side. The establishment of a Web-based Bolt and Nut Sales Information System at CV. Sukses Utama Steel, can assist customers and employees in conducting sales transactions, payment systems, shipping processes, and simplifying the preparation of reports. So that in the future the sales system will be more effective and efficient.
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