Optimizing the Role of Maritime Diplomacy of the Indonesian Navy in Supporting the Relocation of the National Capital

  • Lukmansyah Pradana Sekolah Staf dan Komando TNI Angkatan Laut & Politeknik Angkatan Laut


moving the nation's capital city is a strategic decision that has broad implications for the country and has complex implications, especially in the maritime context. This study aims to investigate and optimize the role of the Indonesian Navy's maritime diplomacy in supporting the transfer of the Indonesian capital city from Jakarta to East Kalimantan. The focus of the research is to understand the importance of maritime diplomacy in maintaining the security and sustainability of Indonesian waters and to identify the challenges faced in carrying out this role. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data was collected through interviews with officials and Navy personnel involved in maritime diplomacy, as well as analysis of documents related to Indonesia's maritime policies and strategies. The collected data were analysed using a deductive approach to identify the main findings. The results of the study show that maritime diplomacy has a crucial role in supporting the relocation of the national capital. The Indonesian Navy functions as the front guard in protecting territorial waters sovereignty, preventing threats to maritime security, and ensuring smooth sea transportation during the process of moving the capital city. In addition, the Indonesian Navy's maritime diplomacy plays an important role in building regional and global cooperation with friendly countries and international institutions to address common maritime issues. Relocating the national capital is a complex challenge in the maritime context, and the Indonesian Navy's maritime diplomacy plays a vital role in supporting the success and sustainability of this process. By overcoming the challenges faced and optimizing the role of maritime diplomacy, the Indonesian Navy can be at the forefront of maintaining the security of Indonesian waters and encouraging the relocation of the nation's capital to be a success.


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