The Effect of of e-Marketing Design and Customer Involvement Capability on Business Performance and Competitive Advantage of MSMEs

  • Khaerul Fahmi Universitas Pakuan Bogor
  • Nandan Limakrisna Universitas Pakuan, Indonesia
  • Hari Muharam Universitas Pakuan, Bogor, Indonesia


The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the influence of e-marketing design and customer involvement capability partially or jointly on competitive advantage. To determine and analyze the influence of e-marketing design, customer involvement capability and competitive advantage both partially and jointly on business performance. The method used was a quantitative method and the analysis used was confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with a total of 200 respondents. Data analysis using Lisrel 8.70 Based on the research results, the following research findings showed that e-marketing design and customer involvement capability have a positive and significant effect on competitive advantage. E-marketing design, customer involvement capability and competitive advantage have a positive and significant effect on business performance


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