• Wawan Gunawan Fakultas Teknik, Program.Studi.Teknik Industri Universitas Banten Jaya
  • Sri Mukti Wirawati Fakultas Teknik, Program.Studi.Teknik Industri Universitas Banten Jaya
Keywords: Assembling, Standard Time, Line Balancing Criteria


PT UNP is one of the manufacturing companies that produce footwear products for export needs, the company has two production process lines, namely the regular and automatic lines, and each has five main work stations, one of which is an assembling, this station has the highest level of activity density and number of employees when compared to other stations so that it is interesting to be used as an object of research, especially in the analysis of line balancing.Line balancing methods are often used to determine the standard time and performance (performance) of work stations, by calculating the standard time and line balancing criteria, the actual time required by each employee works and the level of efficiency, delay time and accuracy of the number of employees needed can be known. Standard time and line balancing criteria based on the initial data obtained standard time 710.09 seconds and efficiency line 57.12%, delay time 42.88%, PPH 4.86. The method used in analyzing the standard time and line balancing criteria is using a comparison, that is comparing the results of the initial data calculation with data analysis after improvement so that the line balancing criteria gap value is known as efficiency 4.01%, -4.02% for delay time and 1.6 for PPH
Keyword: Assembling, Standard Time, Line Balancing Criteria



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How to Cite
Gunawan, W., & Wirawati, S. M. (2023). ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN KRITERIA LINE BALANCING DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE LCR PADA AUTOMATION CELL : (STUDI KASUS DI PT. UNP). Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research, 4(4), 95-107.